It is a common assumption that people who suffer from addiction are of a particular stereotype, definitely not including people who are stable financially. What many do not seem to understand is that addiction is no respecter of class nor person. A business owner can very much be a victim of addiction as an employee or a teenager.
Addiction becomes the subject of the matter when you feel compelled to engage in something that produces a rewarding stimulus despite its adverse consequences. It can be either be an addiction to substances like cocaine or behaviors like gambling. It could also be an addiction to business ventures by an entrepreneur.
Certain factors increase the risk of addiction among business operators a few of them are:
- Stress
- Loneliness
- Feelings of insecurity
- Available resources to fund addiction
- Absence of accountability

An addicted business operator will, in the long run, become a problem to the business because the end of addiction is a mental, physical, and psychological breakdown. Identifying an addiction early enough before it becomes a problem is necessary. Some signs can point to the addiction of an entrepreneur; here are some of them:
- Inability to stop:
There is an addiction problem when a CEO has tried to stop engaging in particular acts such as establishing new ventures, or with substances, to stop using, and is unable to do so. This inability may arise from having withdrawal symptoms.
- Obsession:
Where thoughts of starting up a new business or maintaining the productivity level of your business keep interfering with your socialization with family or friends, beware of addiction to entrepreneurship. It could also be choosing to stay behind to complete some tasks during leisure time.
- Risk Tolerance:
If you discover that an act that produced certain effects do not give the same amount of effect as before except you multiply it, then, there is a high chance that you are addicted.
It is not until there is harm before addiction should be attended to. Once one or two of these signs have been identified, kindly seek help for treatment.