Addiction can strike any demographic of people, but the demographic of working professionals is a particularly vulnerable demographic to addiction. Busy working professionals face some heavy stress factors in their professions, and addiction is a common effect of these difficulties. Working professionals tend to carry…
Author: Guest
Operating a home business is full of challenges and rewards. It takes a special kind of person to successfully run a home business. Not everyone is up for the monumental task of managing a home business. The level of responsibility on a home business operator’s…
What is it about the home work environment that enables addiction? This is a trend among home business operators toward addictive tendencies that has left many wanting answers. Why does it seem that home business operators are prone to addiction? There is more than one…
Running a business out of your home can be a stressful operation. All business endeavors, deadlines and responsibilities fall onto the business owner or owners, which is typically no more than two people. This can prove to be too heavy a load for the home…
Addiction is a phenomenon that plagues working professionals from every demographic, however, one group of professionals who can be particularly affected by addiction is home business operators. People who run a business out of their homes are statistically more likely to experience addiction than individuals…
It is not unusual for co-workers to be some of the first people to notice when a person is struggling with addiction and recommend that they seek help. Being afflicted with addiction naturally has a negative effect on a person’s work performance, and it is…